Embracing Christmas in November 

Around this time last year I wrote this old post about Christmas in November. It’s grumpy. I’m my defence I was very very very pregnant. 

Actually, I still agree with some of it. I hate that it’s just a big push to get us to spend more and more money. Toy adverts are the worst! And don’t even get me started on Black Friday. Bleaugh! 

I do feel quite differently this year though. Maybe because I’m not pregnant and uncomfortable, but also because Iris is really getting into to. For the first time, she’s old enough to have an understanding of it all. We’ve not talked much about presents, but she’s been chatting about Christmas trees and sparkly lights and Santa for a couple of weeks now. She’s even got a part in her nursery show. She’s going to be a star! 

Astrid will turn one just after Christmas, so she’s not a teeny baby anymore either. She obviously has no idea what Christmas is, but she’s definitely old enough to really enjoy it. She’s much more sociable than Iris was as a baby, and loves being surrounded by people. I’m a bit scared she’s going to pull the Christmas tree over, but I think Christmas with her around is going to be a lot of fun! 

I’m not even slightly miffed by the two houses in our street that already have decorations up, and I’ve already bought some presents! I might even let the kids put the tree up early! This picture is from last Christmas, and that is water in Iris’s glass! 

Our week in pictures #4

Last weekend was just how I expected it to be. We spent both days Christmas shopping and successfully managed to buy all of the presents for the kids. We did find time for coffee and cake treats and a visit to see Santa in Cardiff though. Iris wasn’t particularly impressed, but did like the giant light up bouncy ball he gave her. It was hard work to prevent her from throwing it at other shoppers! We were thoroughly worn out by Sunday evening.

On Monday we all felt quite dreadful, but we went out for a walk around the shops anyway. We got coffee with a friend and then headed home to make Christmas cards.

On Tuesday my dad came to visit. We don’t see him often so Iris has no idea who he is. She was quite taken with him though, sharing her Peppa Pig toys and insisting he helped her with her crayons. She even gave him lots of kisses and cried when he left! Then she scaled our cat tower  and frightened the life out of me. It’s pretty high!

Trevor and I were both up in the night being sick and had no sleep at all. Getting bored with one illness after another now!

Wednesday meant another crochet club, where I actually did some crochet this time. I started a rainbow hat for Iris (that she’ll probably refuse to wear). She ate cupcakes with her friends and enjoyed the change of scenery. In the evening Santa came through our village on the back of a pick up truck, stopping to talk to the children who had gathered to see him. Iris didn’t want to get too close, but did wave at him. She was more interested in Christmas lights, and it took a long time to walk back up our street as she stopped to peer through the windows and check out all of the Christmas trees. I’m very excited to see how she reacts to ours when we put it up at the weekend.

Yesterday we finally got round to visiting the midwife led birth centre and were very impressed. It’s so much nicer than the hospital where I gave birth to Iris. We’ve all developed nasty colds so didn’t get out and about in the afternoon. Instead me and Iris napped together snuggled up. Lovely. Then me and Trevor stayed up til 2am wrapping all of the Christmas presents. I had two baths because I couldn’t get rid of the pain of heartburn and trapped wind. Pregnancy is not glamorous!

Today it’s Friday again, and I feel like we’ve achieved a lot of Christmas related stuff this week, but none of the things I need to get done before the baby arrives. Like packing a bag! I don’t want to be doing these things over the Christmas celebrations, so that’s my focus for the next week or so. I”ll be washing all the newborn clothes! Tonight we’re off to see the big kids in their Christmas play, and then we’ve got a very busy weekend of Christmas fun planned, including a trip to see the local pantomime! I just hope we can shift these colds.

Here’s hoping for less illness and more energy!