Our week in pictures #13 

 Wow, what a week! I’m so tired I feel like I could sleep for a month. 

On Friday last week the health visitor came and then Trev went to pick up the big two. Then on Saturday we were up early and off to Bristol, where we spent the afternoon in Bristol Aquarium. More about the aquarium here. Afterwards we had dinner in ZaZaBazaar to celebrate my mum’s birthday, which was extra lovely because my best friends came along with their two little ones. We were supposed to pick up Iris’s bag from another friend in Bristol (we left it behind at her house last week!) but we only remembered this when we were half way home! Oops! Being forgetful is just another symptom of never getting enough sleep. 

Sunday was quiet. We stayed at home, took the dog for a walk and played on the swings, and ate a roast dinner. I was tired and feeling frazzled and grumpy, so Trevor took the big two back to their mum on his own while I looked after the little two. 

On Monday I attempted to get the house in order by writing a to-do list and actually got most of it done! Even though both of the girls wanted cuddling all day, I still managed to be pretty productive. I left some big jobs (like putting things in the loft) for Trevor, who did them on Tuesday while me and the girls went to playgroup and had lunch in the cafe. We were joined by two of my friends and their kids, which was really nice. It’s so much easier when Iris has somebody to play with. 

We skipped crochet club on Wednesday as I was shattered after a rough night with Astrid. Also, Iris has been sleeping in her cot for most of the night, but wakes much earlier than when she’s in our bed. I’ve been downstairs at 5am with a toddler demanding toast way too many times this week! 

On Wednesday evening, my mum and my sister arrived with my niece and nephew for a sleepover! Trevor was working away, and they wanted to keep me company. The little ones were all still up and running around at 11pm! It was very tiring but a lot of fun! 

We took the two buses from home to Caerphilly on Thursday, and went for a walk around the castle. I’d heard there were ducks, and have been meaning to take the duck-obsessed Iris there for a while. Had I realised it was so close and such an easy bus journey, we would have been many times before! Although there were a handful of ducks, there were hundreds of huge geese and lots of swans! My mum and sister are both frightened of birds, so it was a nightmare for them. For Iris, who adores all kinds of birds, it was the best thing ever! She’s never had the chance to feed ducks before and had the best time giving them a load of stale bread. I’ll definitely be taking her back there lots in the Spring. After a late lunch in a supermarket cafe, we were back on the bus. Two of the three toddlers slept, and it was a peaceful journey home. Then they all set off back to Bristol and it was just us three again. We headed up to bed early, after a quick dinner of beans on toast, to get some sleep and wait for Trev’s late return. 

Today we’re waiting in for a health visitor, yet again, and rebuilding after having three toddlers work together to get out every single toy we own! We don’t have the big kids this weekend and don’t have much planned. Maybe we’ll have our first quiet weekend since Astrid came along! I could do with the rest. 

Have a good one! 














Our week in pictures #12

It’s Friday again! Hoorah! 

Last Friday we didn’t even get dressed. The health visitor came and weighed Astrid, who was above her birth weight! The midwife called and cancelled her visit, which is a shame as she could have discharged us from midwife care. 

Saturday was a hectic day. Trevor set off early for a speed awareness course (naughty Trevor!) and my mum drove over to pick me and the girls up for my nephew’s birthday party. She’s so kind to do that, drive for over an hour just to pick us up and drive all the way back again. The party went well. The kids all had a wonderful time, and Iris ate a ridiculous amount of cake. Trevor planned to meet us there, and he did eventually, but he had to call the breakdown people because he came out of the course to a flat battery in the van! After that party, we headed to another. A housewarming for a friend that I haven’t seen in quite a long time. It was lovely to see her and a few other friends too, but we didn’t stay long. Iris was so energetic and noisy! She didn’t even sleep all the way home despite it being quite late! We got home to discover that we’d left Iris’s new Peppa Pig backpack behind! 

On Sunday we went to the monthly play group in the park ran by a friend of mine (if you’re local, search Facebook for Growing Space Pontypridd!). Iris enjoyed making a bird feeder from a pine cone and hanging it from a tree in the park, then afterwards she had a puddle jumping competition with Trevor. Lots of the other children and parents ended up joining in, and it was wonderful! We had some fun in the play area afterwards, and then had a lazy afternoon at home. 

On Monday we stayed in for most of the day, and a midwife came and discharged us from their care. Then we headed into town and registered Astrid’s birth, followed by food shopping. 

We needed to get out and about on Tuesday, so we met some friends in the cafe. We also did some shopping. I bought the same jeans in two sizes because I wasn’t sure what size I’d need (turns out I’m the smaller size – whoop!) and Iris got a new Peppa Pig puzzle which she’s currently a bit obsessed with. 

Wednesday afternoon was spent at crochet club, where yet again I did no crochet whatsoever because Iris and Astrid kept me way too busy! It’s still such a fun afternoon though, hanging out with lots of other mums and kids. 

We went to breastfeeding group as usual yesterday, after taking Astrid to see the GP about her cough. I don’t know why I went really. I instinctively wasn’t worried about it, and didn’t think there would be much they could give her anyway. I was strangely worried the health visitor might think I was a crap mum if I didn’t. That’s so stupid. Anyway, her chest is clear and she’s fine. I was right. 

It’s Friday again. We’re waiting in for the health visitor and having a tidy up of the toys, which are all mixed up and in the wrong boxes again!

We’re off to Bristol again this weekend. Hooray! 

Have a good one! 






Our week in pictures #8 

 I can’t quite believe that it’s Friday already, and Trevor’s first week back at work is already almost over. I had hoped I’d have the baby at the beginning of the week so that his Christmas break would run into his time off after the birth, but no such luck! 

After Trevor left with the girls last Saturday to take them back to see their mum, I tried to return things to as normal as possible for Iris pretty quickly by doing our neglected dinner, bath and bed routine. It didn’t work of course, as she was a bit upset that the big sisters had gone. She continued to wave at the front door and say ‘bye’ for at least an hour. I love how much she loves them, but when she’s missing them it breaks my heart. 

Sunday was spent taking down Christmas decorations, doing a big clean of the downstairs of our house, and organising Iris’s toys to make all the new ones fit! It was an incredibly productive day, and it was lovely not to have pine needles all over the floor constantly! I never feel sad saying goodbye to all of the Christmas stuff. Getting rid of it all feels more like welcoming the new year in than anything we actually do at new year. 

To celebrate the clean house (downstairs anyway) we went out for Nandos, and it felt odd to be doing something just the three of us. I think it’ll be our last dinner as a three though, which is a weird thought. 

As it’s the last week in the run up to my due date, I very much felt like it might not be particularly good for my state of mind if we stay at home a lot this week. It feels like we’re just waiting now, and waiting feels easier if you’re busy. 

We didn’t make it to Monday’s playgroup as we slept in after a late night. Iris is definitely having a sleep regression! Instead we headed to our favourite cafe for lunch. We had no plans to meet anybody but some of the regulars were there anyway, as is usually the way. It’s part of why we love the place so much! We were absolutely drenched when we arrived. I’m sure it’s rained solidly here since November. It’s starting to get annoying! I’m grateful we’re not flooded of course, but it’s frustrating to get soaked every single time you head out. 

On Tuesday a friend and her boy, who Iris is quite fond of, came over for a play date. We’ve never had a play date in our house before. We live out of town and nobody we know lives near us. I was nervous as Iris was adamant beforehand that her friend would not be allowed to play with her toys! It went well in the end though, and she did let him play. We all had a lovely time until the little ones got tired and our friends headed off for nap time. Every single toy in the living room was out on the floor and there were crushed Pringles everywhere! Thankfully our weekend of organising meant everything now has a home and it only took me ten minutes to put it all away. Result! Plus Seb took care of the crisps. He’s a good dog. 

My books arrived, and I desperately wanted to start reading, but Iris wouldn’t allow it! So I picked up The Girl on the Train just as I was getting into bed. Bad idea! I couldn’t put it down until 2am. I’m gripped! I’ve been reading at every opportunity for the rest of the week, which is great! I used to be such a bookworm, consuming them so quickly that I spent all my money on them! I don’t think I’ll ever get back to that, as I’m so busy these days, but it’s good to be reading again anyway. Although my crochet projects have suffered! 

On Wednesday we went to Crochet Club. It’s not really a club as such, just a bunch of mums and toddlers that meet in the cafe. Often we’re so busy chatting and playing with the little ones we do no crochet at all, which is what happened this week! It’s become my weekly highlight, and I really look forward to it. I hope getting there with a baby and a toddler isn’t too tricky! Afterwards we hung out in the library with Iris’s best friend and her family. Iris loves the chalk board wall they have there! It makes me tempted to find a wall suitable for chalk board paint at home. 

Yesterday was ‘booby group’ as we affectionately call it. The breastfeeding support group that I started attending when I was still pregnant with Iris. It was my lifeline in the early days after she was born, both for support with breastfeeding and a source of new friends! It was so lonely at first, moving over here. The people I met at this group really changed that for me. We didn’t make it to this group for the whole of December because we were busy passing colds and bugs backwards and forwards between the two of us, so it was good to be back. Plus I may actually need them for breastfeeding support again soon!

We found a plastic toaster in a charity shop for 50p yesterday, and Iris is over the moon! There’s one of these at Mum’s house and she played with it solidly during our stay before Christmas. It’s probably the best 50p I’ve ever spent in a charity shop. 

I was awake very early this morning with backache and leg cramps. It was so severe, I was convinced things were starting to happen. After some paracetamol I managed to get a bit more sleep and when I woke up the pains had gone. I’m trying not to be too disappointed! It’s lucky really as Trevor is a couple of hours away on a site visit today. It’d be better for everybody if he’s at home when things start. The early wake up combined with Iris’s strange pattern of late nights and early mornings this week has left me exhausted. I haven’t had a single day time nap either, as we’ve been out every day! I napped so much over the Christmas break that this has come as a bit of a shock to my poor tired body! 

So today we’ve stayed at home. Actually we haven’t even got dressed! We’ve watched a little bit too much CBeebies (which is fine because we haven’t watched any all week!), made endless rounds of plastic toast, had lots of cuddles, and taken a big nap together. It’s been lovely. There are so few mummy-and-Iris days left now. I’m trying to absorb every little detail. Her smell, her little voice and the funny things she says. Soon I’ll have to split my attentions, and while I’m excited I’m also a little bit sad. So cuddles in our smelly pyjamas is fine, at the moment. It’s what we both need. Life is about to change so massively! 

I’m so ready for the weekend and having Trevor at home now! I’ve still got a few things I need to do before baby comes, like write down Iris’s routine in case my mum has to look after her for any length of time. The rest of the weekend will be spent just relaxing and being three. It might be our last one before our family grows again. 



Our week (and a bit) in pictures #5

I normally post these updates on a Friday, but I completely missed it last week because I’ve been at my mum’s house without my laptop and the pictures wouldn’t upload. Also, I’m tired. I’ve been trying to do less and sleep more and I’ve sort-of succeeded. I haven’t much felt like writing. Or reading. Or anything really.

Last Friday was a disaster for most of the day. Iris was clearly unwell and spent much of the day under a blanket not moving much. I was reluctant to take her out, but I bundled her up anyway and we took her to see her 2 big sisters in their school play. She loved it and seeing the girls really perked her up so I’m glad we took her out!

Saturday was the day for our annual trip to Puxton Park near Weston Super Mare with my family. It’s the 3rd year we’ve done this, and we always have an amazing time. It felt Christmassy mainly because it was cold! It hasn’t been cold at all yet this winter. Just warm and damp. Not festive weather! We were a bit let down by the Santa experience this year. Usually it’s really very good, but this time we stood in the queue, in a cramped room, for over an hour. The kids were all fed up and I ached so bad I had to sit on the floor. Not cool. Still, we had a lot of fun in the soft play and saw all of the farm animals. The kids had a tractor ride. We compared the kids this year to the kids last year and were shocked by how much they’ve all grown and changed.

Sunday morning was spent decorating for Christmas. Trev and the kids went to pick a tree, and then Iris got excited and went a bit tinsel mad. She loved putting the fairy on top of the tree! It was all a bit rushed as we had tickets for the local panto at 2.

The panto was just amazing! Iris refused to sit on a chair, but we blocked her in and she was fine. We all had a good laugh and a dance! More about the panto here. 

The weekend was ace, but things kind of went down hill from there. Monday and Tuesday were written off as Iris was hit with another bug and I was so exhausted I couldn’t cope. The housework was building up, there were piles of clutter everywhere, my hospital bag still wasn’t packed and I was panicking. I did actually take Iris out of the house on Tuesday but only to the supermarket, where I felt too poorly to do anything except leave straight away and get back on the bus. The bus driver saw me coming and drove off (3 minutes early!) which resulted in public crying. Urgh. I hate pregnancy hormones.

Wednesday was the Christmas party at Iris’s playgroup and I was determined we’d have a better day. We didn’t. We were an hour late because Iris didn’t want to get ready, meaning we missed most of it. The party was followed by my midwife appointment. These appointments are upstairs in a building with no lift and two flights of stairs. Each appointment nearly kills me. I can’t carry Iris and all of her stuff upstairs anymore. I’m too sore. But there’s no choice. There’s also no baby changing facilities there. I ended up missing my appointment while trying to change an angry Iris on the floor of a tiny cubicle. They did eventually find a space to see me and the appointment was fine but I left so very very stressed out.

To cut a long story short, I finally completely lost my shit outside of the cafe a bunch of my mum mates were sitting inside. I really lost it. Trev had to come and get me, but not until lots of people had seen me and I’d made myself look ridiculous.

I stayed up until 3am that night trying to get the house together. Daft idea. I was already too tired to cope.

Thursday came, Trev went to work, Iris had tantrums and I was too exhausted and poorly to deal with anything. So my mum came to collect me (from an hour away across the bridge, bless her) and off me and Iris went for a much needed pre-Christmas break.

It’s been great and I feel so much better. We slept in my old single bed which is ridiculously uncomfortable, but it felt like returning home for a bit. We visited my grandfather who I haven’t seen in ages, spent a day with my sister and niece and nephew, hung out with my brother a bit and my mum loads, did some Christmas shopping, saw my bestest buddies and spent some time splashing in puddles.

Iris doesn’t see much of my mum, and as my mum is coming to take care of her while I’m giving birth I’ve been worrying about this. They’ve really bonded over this weekend though, and are really close. In fact much of the time Iris would have rather played with her than me! Phew.

Tonight Trevor picked us up and we’re back home. I’ve missed him like crazy, but going away means I haven’t shouted at him when none of what has been bothering me is his fault. It’s all mine. Instead we’ve both had some peace and some space and it’s been good for us. I’m lying in a hot bath as I write this, soaking a very sore hip and feeling glad to be home.




Pictures of the Weekend #11

IMG_5885.JPGPoorly baby, poorly baby, poorly baby with dog, dog and cat.IMG_5886.JPGPoorly baby, poorly baby, hiding cat, poorly dog.IMG_5939.JPGGeocaching, poorly baby with poorly dog, sitting up for the first time, playing at Grandma’s

You may have noticed a bit of a theme running through our weekend. Iris has been poorly with a rotten cold since the middle of last week. Super runny snot has turned into a nasty barking cough. It’s unpleasant and means we haven’t really slept in days and days. I was on the verge of being too tired to cope, but last night we actually slept for most of the night. Thank goodness. Only now I’m worried I won’t have time for my new Grey’s Anatomy addiction. On Saturday we planned to go to a thing at Westonbirt Arboretum, but went geocaching earlier in the day and the stupid dog cut his foot. Blood everywhere. Bandages. Pizza ordered and us not going anywhere. Probably for the best with Iris’ cold.

Pictures of the Weekend #7

IMG_4981.JPG Iris’ first ever train journey – to Bristol!, spotting pumpkins in Bristol Aquarium, baby seahorses, little frogsIMG_5124.JPGFriday night, Saturday morning, designing pumpkin faces, chip shop lunchIMG_5125.JPGPlaying Peppa Pig shop, scooping out the pumpkins, carving, Ta-Da!IMG_5126.JPGAirbrush art, dog walking, puddles, trouble with mudIMG_5127.JPGChasing Daddy, playing dressing up, poo-splosion, nap timeIMG_5128.JPGBarry Island!, our salty sea dog, fetch on the beach, seaside Sunday lunchIMG_5129.JPGThe firefighting game, Gavin and Stacey, trying to pick up a very big stick, drying off

The weather in Bristol on Friday was fabulous, and I hear it stayed like that for much of the weekend. We’re very very jealous. We planned to see a firework display but heavy rain cancelled that plan for us. The rest of the weekend was cold and wet. Obviously we decided this was perfect beach weather! Do your worst, weather. This family will still be having wonderful weekends!

Pictures of the Weekend #5

IMG_4675.JPGCrossing the bridge to England at 7am, greeting cousins, visiting Nanny, dog walking with my niece.IMG_4676.JPGAn emergency nap, smiles!, out walking with Em, Tom and Roo (and their dog Bert!) from Roo And Mama, loads of ladybirds! IMG_4677.JPGPlaying with Seb, a mama break and early night, Sunday morning peace, choosing birthday presents for a big sister.IMG_4678.JPGMessing around in Ikea restaurant, first time in a highchair, getting soaked walking in Dare Valley Country Park, Seb having a great time in the rain.