My Instagram Christmas wish list 

We’re skint this Christmas. It’s probably going to be a struggle to find the cash for the mince pies and satsumas once we’ve got the kid’s presents sorted, so I know Trev and I won’t be buying for each other again this year. I’ve requested button-down warm pyjamas from anybody else (like my mum!) who has asked what I would like. Mainly as I have nothing warm and cosy to sleep and breastfeed the new baby in. 

In reality, there’s quite a long list of things I would currently like! But I know that we are already better off than almost every family in the world because there will be food and presents, and I’m more than happy with that. 

However, if we did suddenly have a load of money to spare that I could spend on myself, I’d spend it all on small businesses I’ve found on Instagram! 

My Wish List.


Yes, those are rainbow tie dye woolly tights in adults sizes. Yup. I have always wanted to wear amazing colourful tights like those lucky toddlers get to wear. I’ve never found quite the right ones though, and then I stumbled upon @threevioletbuttons on Instagram. I fell madly in love. Find the Etsy shop here, and if you fancy buying me a pair of these while you’re there I will promise to love you forever! There’s also kid’s stuff and hand dyed yarn to be found over there. 


I love @thedresstree! Plus I also love Kim who makes these gorgeous things quite a bit too. Find her beautiful blog here and even more beautiful Etsy shop here. I actually own Kim’s first ever breastfeeding friendly dress, another dress, two kimonos and several necklaces from here already! I’m currently lusting after her new range of velvet skirts, but I adore that sunflower dress too. I’m obviously way too round to wear either but not for much longer. A new dress would be just the thing to perk up a body-conscious me after giving birth in the most miserable month of the year. 


This is not the first time I’ve mentioned @sunjellies on my blog. I wrote a whole blog post about my obsession with their jelly shoes at the end of last summer. I lived in them while pregnant with Iris as I couldn’t get my big fat feet to fit comfortably into anything else. Iris even has a tiny purple pair. They’re adorable. This time though, I want a bag. This exact bag actually. A squishy gorgeous yellow jelly bag, to stuff with crochet stuff and hang stylishly on the handle of the pushchair. Can you imagine how cool I’d look? Find the online shop here.


I don’t actually remember a specific tiny beaded purse from my childhood, and I’m sure I had several. Probably several hundred. I have a feeling I kept earrings in them. For some reason they make me think of those shops along the beach on summer holidays with my family as a little girl. @playpurse have taken those nostalgic little beaded purses and blown them up. To adult size. Like big beaded clutch versions. And I LOVE them. Actually, this colour would look good inside my jelly bag, wouldn’t it? Buy the PlayPurse online right here.


Jewellery made out of kid’s toys. Perfection, right? I know I’m a 30 year old but I’m not ready to think of myself as a grown up just yet. I want a My Little Pony one. Or maybe a Santa one, as it is Christmas after all. Actually, I want all of them. Buy from the LoveFromToby Instagram page, which also supports Children’s Heart Surgery Fund. 


Ok, I know this was supposed to be a list of things that I want for me but I’m so taken by these hats. I’d love matching ones for Iris and her nearly-here baby sister. So so cute! They’re available online here.

Instagram is so full of wonderful people who make beautiful things, and small businesses supporting families or charities. If only being a stay at home mum paid better! I could easily get addicted to shopping in this way.  

My Style Baby #stylebaby

IMG_5625.JPG I’m never likely to do outfit posts or write about fashion. I don’t have any style. I don’t really miss it. It’s just not my thing. I haven’t got a clue about fashion. I do like to look nice every now and then, but frankly I’m a scruff bag.

I’m not really into fashion for babies either. I love cute baby clothes, but they have to be practical and comfortable too. Which is why kids clothes ‘for girls’ annoy me so much. They’re thinner than boys clothes, and often have that scratchy frilly elastic rather than the comfortable durable stuff. Do they think little girls don’t play? The dresses, tutus and sparkly shoes have their place, I’m sure, but I’d far rather see kids play in clothes that are hard wearing and comfortable. What parent wants to constantly worry about clothes getting ruined?

I posted the picture above a couple of weeks ago when Iris turned Five Months old. I think she looks seriously cute in that outfit, despite it being slightly too big. Then I realised that, apart from the boots, its from H&M and that tends to be the shop I turn to when I buy Iris clothes.

I have no need to shop for baby clothes any time soon. Iris has all of my niece’s clothes and most of my nephews too. We like to dress Iris in a gender neutral way, which means she wears every single colour. This includes a bit of pink, but we hate the way some shops seem to want us to dress her exclusively in pale pink, with the odd hint of purple. I think this, plus durability and good value, are why I turn to H&M.

At the moment there are quite a few bits and bobs that I wish I had the cash for, despite not really needing them at all!

Our H&M Wish List


1. Fine knit dress in grey leopard print – £7.99
2. Red rib-knit hat – £3.99
3. Beige pile-lined boots – £9.99
4. Wool blend socks – £2.50


1. Turquoise fine-knit jumper – £7.99
2. Striped jersey leggings – £3.99
3. Print t-shirt – £3.99
4. Patterned sweatpants – £4.99

We’re linking this post up with Lianne at The Brunette Says for #stylebaby

#StyleBaby Link Up

*All of these items are currently available online at I haven’t been asked to write this or compensated in anyway for this post*